Something Blue (A Wedding Portrait)

Something Blue (A Wedding Portrait)


Nice to Meet You! 緒方 慎二 プロフィール

Shinji Ogata's Profile

I was born in Yatsushiro City (Kumamoto Prefecture), Japan, in 1965. After graduating from high school, I lived in Tokyo for about 20 years before moving to Brisbane with my wife in 2004. We have a lovely daughter.
I decided to dedicate myself to art when I was 18 years old and tried for 8 years without success to gain entry to Tokyo National University of Fine Arts. At that point, I joined a graphic design company and while I was working there, I attended and graduated from Tama Art University. It took this long for me to realise that academic study was not important for me in regards to art, particularly when I considered how much more, in a different and more important sense, I learnt by being out in the real world.
For a long time, I was unable to become a full-time artist, because I felt it was too soon and I was simply too afraid... but finally, in August 2011, I held my very first solo exhibition in West End, Brisbane. I'm planning to have at least 3 exhibitions in a year.  I will also participate in various kinds of group  exhibitions.
The most exciting subjects for me to draw or paint are human figures or other organic subjects, but I also enjoy painting other things such as landscapes and buildings, because even though they are inorganic substances, I naturally try to find the soul within them.
I mainly use pen and water colours. I love this one-take finish style and enjoy the kind of improvisation it entails; it is also a very important aspect of my art.
I would like to keep searching for, and discovering, little pieces of the secret of this world's aesthetic mysteries through my drawing tour of life. Please enjoy my work.


緒方 慎二
1965年 熊本県八代市生まれ。2004年 2月に渡豪。

描線のストロークを楽器の音に喩えて『Acoustic Drawings』(アコースティック・ドローイング)と命名しました。
絵画におけるインプロヴィゼーション(即興性)を追求しながら、またその対極にある日々の積み重ねによる鍛錬を 新たな分野での挑戦なども織り交ぜながら、我が審美心をより昇華させたいと願います。

2012年 1月10日(火)



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